Gynarchic Love Boat #5 “Gold of Amazons”


The Sapphic Princess arrives on the Amazons’ Island. In exchange for a genitor male they give them gold for the election of a gynarchist to the presidency of the usa. Will she win the presidency thanks to this gold?

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The”Sapphic Princess arrives on the Amazons’ Island. In exchange for a genitor male they give them gold for the election of a gynarchist, the famous Ali Mc Crew, to the presidency of the usa. Will she win the presidency thanks to this gold?
If the fate of the genitor is to finish castrated in the mine of Amazons, the destiny of Ali Mc Crew could totally change the US way of life and give to the whole world an example of a country happily and gynarchically ruled by women.

WARNING! This comics contains very hard pictures and situations. Forbidden  to minors and sensitive persons.

PDF, 53 pages A3, 330 renders.
Available in .PDF, EPUB & MOBI formats.

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Gynarchic Love Boat #5 “Gold of Amazons”